The “SCNAT knowledge” web portal provides guidance. The Swiss Academy of Sciences (SCNAT) and its network report the state of knowledge, based on sound scientific findings and in regards to Switzerland – for the attention of politics, administration, business, science and practice.more

Image: Tobias Günther, SNSF Scientific Image Competitionmore

The Swiss Society of Anthrpolology chose the new Committee.

During the last annual meeting in November 2015, the SAS elected the new board members. The board officers will serve a three-year term (2016-2019). The new president is Martin Häusler, the vice president is Sandra Lösch, the secretary is Cornelia Alder, the Treasurer is Viera Trancik und the webmasterin is Aixa Andreetta.

Pflanzen (Symbolbild)
Image: northlightimages,


  • Anthropology, Primatology


Swiss Society for Anthropology (SSA)
c/o Dr Jocelyne Desideri
University of Geneva
30, Quai Ernest-Ansermet
1211 Genève 4