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Image : Sebastian,

2nd European Hail Workshop

Lieu de l'événement


The 2nd European Hail Workshop will take place on 19 - 21 April 2017 in Bern. In several regions of Europe, including Switzerland, south-west Germany and Austria, hail damage has increased substantially in recent years with the consequence that hail is now one of the major atmospheric risks. The Mobiliar Lab, the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT), MeteoSwiss, and the OCCR are jointly organizing this second workshop for researchers and professionals to discuss different aspects of hail.

Image : P. Blanc

Contributions covering the key themes listed below are invited:

  • Convection and hail in a changing climate
  • The microphysics and dynamics of hail storms
  • Hail damage and hail damage prevention
  • Local probabilities and long-term statistics of hail
  • Nowcasting and forecasting of hail


University of Bern
Oeschger Centre for Climate Change Research (OCCR)
Falkenplatz 16
ICDC10 Conference office
3012 Bern

Prof. Dr. Olivia Romppainen-Martius


Langues : Anglais