Membro della SCNAT

La SGV promuove la scienza degli animali da laboratorio, la protezione degli animali e le considerazioni etiche nella sperimentazione animale. Questi obiettivi saranno raggiunti per mezzo dell’organizzazione dell’istruzione e del flusso d’informazioni all’interno della comunità scientifica.di più

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SGV Travel Grant

SGV Travel Grant Policy

To support its members for continuing education, the SGV has at its disposal a total amount of CHF 10'000. The SGV Board according to the state of the SGV finances can change this amount. A minimum of CHF 4'000 is covered by money donated by the Swiss Academy of Sciences. Travel grants will be given to members either working in CH or coming from abroad to CH for a continuing education course or for projects related to the 3Rs. A first portion of funding of CHF 7’000 is allocated to early career members for continuous education purposes. The next portion of funding of CHF 3’000 is dedicated to members who will actively contribute to the 3Rs (i.e. a 3R course organizer, FELASA Days, etc). If by August 1st, there is still money available from the second portion, it will automatically be transferred to the first portion. The SGV Board will discuss exceptions.

SGV travel grant policy (2022)


Eligible as full members are persons who hold appropriate qualifications in biological, veterinary or medical sciences or who, by their experience and attainments, qualify as respected specialists in the field of laboratory animal science. Eligible as institutional members are persons or organizations intending to support the activities of the society.

The membership fees are currently 50.-CHF per year for an full member and 300.- CHF per year for an institutional member.